Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bad times...

The following was written in two stages. The latter stage is not in the same vein as the former.

Well, I must apologise for the sparse performance here. September and October are incredibly hectic months for me, work-wise, also involving a lot of late nights and early starts. Ay present I am too knackered to think very straight and also so busy that I just don’t have time to sit down and compose my thoughts.

In addition, I am on the move a lot, and regular healthy eating is very difficult. On the upside, however, I am getting a lot of exercise done in work, so yay to that.

On Monday morning, I weighed in at 15st, 4lbs, which is another pound closer to elusive under-15-stone target. Good, good, good.

I have decided that that I am going to stop being a good listener and an all-round good egg. It’s bloody hard work. As well as everything else I have to contend with, I am also having to try to help my friends sort out their shit. Now, in reality, I don’t begrudge them this one little bit, but on top of everything else it’s wearing. What’s worse, I don’t know if I can actually help. My magic wand is running out of zap, and it’s not good.

Makes losing a pound seem a bit trivial really…

Monday, September 11, 2006


Ok, who out there is effing about with my scales?

Three weeks ago I was 15st 6lbs, last week I had shot up to 15st 10lbs and this week I am back down to 15st 5lbs.

What gives? I weigh myself each Monday morning at pretty much the same time under pretty much the same conditions, so it’s not something simple, like having just eaten a huge meal or anything like that…

However, it does give a bit more encouragement for the eat-healthy campaign…

All I need now is a couple of extra days in my week, so I can catch up on some sleep…

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Where does it all go? That’s what I want to know.

The weeks and months are just flying by. This last couple of weeks I have been outrageously busy, and no matter how much I seem to do, there is always more to achieve. Work expands to fill the amount of time available in which to do it…

Diet has been pretty poor this week as well, alas. I have been out at events at various people’s houses for the last few days, which, for various reasons, have all seemed to include eating a cooked breakfast.

Now, I love cooked breakfast, especially bacon and eggs. (In fact, I think I might even have already written about this on here before, but it might also have been somewhere else.) Bacon and eggs are one of those combinations where the value of the whole is worth more than the sum of the parts. If bacon earns you five pleasure points and eggs earn you five pleasure points, when you add them together you actually get twelve or fifteen pleasure points, not just the ten.

That probably makes no sense at all, but, I don’t have to make sense to other people. I know what I mean.

Going back to time, how the hell do other bloggers manage to find the time not only to write up reams of stuff on their blog each day, but also to read through sometimes dozens of other blogs as well? I struggle to find the time to write up my paltry offerings, let alone read a lot of others as well.

(This may not be a bad thing – I seem to be the kiss of death for blogs. With one notable exception (Hello TGIC – when I can be bothered to work out how to link o this thing, I will put one in…), whenever I start regularly reading a particular blog, the author commits bloggicide.)

Anyway, that’s enough for now. Off to Norfolk tomorrow, and then off to a fairly large Show for the weekend. Sadly work, not play. Sigh.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Not good.

Weighed in at 15st 10lbs on monday morning, which is pretty shite.

It seems that the modified-eating-habits regime is not going to work, and I might have to try something more regimented.

Although, how, when I do do a fair amount of exercise anyway - at least compared to many couch potatoes - and I was eating very little except fruit and vegetables, I managed to put weigfht on, I am not really sure.

Maybe I am one of those people who is just destined to be fat.

I don't know. I am prepared to make some concessions to get fitter, but I am buggered if I am going to spend the rest of my life on a calorie controlled diet. Life is just too short. That is why establishing a healthy eating regime that I can live with is what I want to achieve, not some short term "blitz-off-some-weight-and-then-put-it-all-back-on-again-as-soon-as-I-stop" fad diet.

Some times I really want to murder those irritating bastards who can eat what the hell they like and never put on a single pound. Grr!

Friday, September 01, 2006

O the shame of it!

I am a bad blogger!

Not only that, but I am a bad dieter and excerciser, too.

These last couple of weeks have been manic, getting holidays, parties and battles in before the start of the silly season.

I'm off to Devon this weekend, but this is the last excursion for some time, and thereafter I will be back to diets, cross-training and, hopefully, writing drivel in this space...

Gosh what an exciteing prospect for the world in general. I bet it can't wait...