Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bad times...

The following was written in two stages. The latter stage is not in the same vein as the former.

Well, I must apologise for the sparse performance here. September and October are incredibly hectic months for me, work-wise, also involving a lot of late nights and early starts. Ay present I am too knackered to think very straight and also so busy that I just don’t have time to sit down and compose my thoughts.

In addition, I am on the move a lot, and regular healthy eating is very difficult. On the upside, however, I am getting a lot of exercise done in work, so yay to that.

On Monday morning, I weighed in at 15st, 4lbs, which is another pound closer to elusive under-15-stone target. Good, good, good.

I have decided that that I am going to stop being a good listener and an all-round good egg. It’s bloody hard work. As well as everything else I have to contend with, I am also having to try to help my friends sort out their shit. Now, in reality, I don’t begrudge them this one little bit, but on top of everything else it’s wearing. What’s worse, I don’t know if I can actually help. My magic wand is running out of zap, and it’s not good.

Makes losing a pound seem a bit trivial really…

1 comment:

Lola2020 said...

Don't'll get thin. it actually works.......