Monday, July 23, 2007

I've been here before...

Well, I've been pretty good this last week, and guess what, I lost 2 pounds.

My body is a dull sort of creature. It has no originality. 2 pounds on, 2 pounds off. You might think that it might try a bit harder to entertain us. It would not be difficult, one week lose five pounds, next week gain three, the week after, grow an extra leg... The possibilities are endless.

This upping and downing by two pounds each time is a tad on the dull side. It's also a bit unfair, because everyone else seems to lose a load really quickly when they start trying to lose weight. Why can’t I? It would be a bit more encouraging if nothing else.

My other exciting news is that I had a urine sample tested the other week and it had traces of glucose in it. Yippee. Now I’ve got to go and have a blood test next week to see if I might have diabetes.

I can’t remember if I have mentioned before, but I have a pathological – and totally irrational – fear of needles. The Blood Test is going to be bad enough. If I have to go onto a regime of injecting insulin, then I will probably have a nervous breakdown…

Deep joy. Oh well, the blood test is a week on Wednesday, so I shall pretend that it isn’t happening. Positive thinking, that’s what the sheila with the irritating voice told me on
The Secret. Think thoughts of wellness and good-health and wellness and good-health shall be delivered unto you. Sounds good to me.

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