Thursday, August 03, 2006

Good news and bad news...

The good news? Well, I have always believed that I was classified as “obese”, which has a horrid ring to it.

Well, I have just discovered that I am only “overweight”. This is according to my BMI (Body Mass Index). My BMI is 28.8 and the “overweight” category runs from 25 to 29.9. So yayy! for that. (CDC BMI Calculator)

The bad news, however, is that in order to get to the “normal” category of BMI for my height, I would have to slim down to 13st 7lbs. That’s 2 whole stone!! OMG! I’d have to chainsaw a leg off to lose 2 stones…

Sheesh. Talk about a challenge…


Syber_Sadie said...

You've noy alone in the "overweight" BMI category, that's where I slot in too. It does make you feel better when you realise that you're not actually obese.

Keep working at the "lifestyle change".


M.A.D. said...

Heh! That's a nice thought. Sadly, there's no way that I could fool myself into believing that I'm all muscle, but, likewise, I am not (so I am told) anywhere near the borderline obese that it gives me either.

Alas, 'tis confusing...